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. 2012 Jan 20;26(4):557–563. doi: 10.1038/eye.2011.351

Table 3. Baseline annual cost components.

Anti-VEGF therapy Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Attendance cost per injection £500 £500 £500
Number of injections per patient (ranibizumab) 7 7 7
Number of injections per patient (bevacizumab) 8 8 8
(a) Total cost of administering injections per patient (ranibizumab) £3500 £3500 £3500
(a) Total cost of administering injections per patient (bevacizumab) £4000 £4000 £4000
Attendance cost per follow-up visit £65 £65 £65
Number of follow-up visits per patient 12 12 12
(b) Total cost of follow-up visits per patient £780 £780 £780
Drug cost of ranibizumab per injection £913 £913 £913
Treatment-naïve patients
(c)(i) Total drug cost of ranibizumab per patienta £6391 £6391 £0
Previously treated patients
(c)(i) Total drug cost of ranibizumab per patienta £5478 £0 £0
Drug cost of bevacizumab per injection £75 £75 £75
(c)(ii) Total drug cost of bevacizumab per patient £600 £600 £600
EMB Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Cost of vitrectomy per patient £1124 £0 £0
Cost of radiotherapy physics support per patient £200 £0 £0
Cost of RDM per patient £125 £0 £0
Cost of DDM per patient £4200 £0 £0
(a) Total cost of EMB treatment per patient £5649 £0 £0
Treatment-naïve patients
 Number of injections per patient 2 1 1
Previously treated patients
 Number of injections per patient 3.2 2 2
Treatment-naïve patients
(b) Total cost of administering injections per patientb £1000 £500 £500
Previously treated patients
(b) Total cost of administering injections per patientb £1600 £1000 £1000
Treatment-naïve patients
(c)(i) Total drug cost of ranibizumab per patientc £1826 £913 £913
Previously treated patients
(c)(i) Total drug cost of ranibizumab per patientc £2922 £1826 £1826
Treatment-naïve patients
(c)(ii) Total drug cost of bevacizumab per patientc £150 £75 £75
Previously treated patients
(c)(ii) Total drug cost of bevacizumab per patientc £240 £150 £150

Abbreviations: DDM, disposable delivery module; EMB, epimacular brachytherapy; RDM, reusable delivery module; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.


NHS (National Health Service) policy requires that the drug cost of treatment beyond 14 injections of ranibizumab per patient is met by the manufacturer, thus resulting in zero drug cost in year 3 for both treatment-naïve and previously treated patients. The drug cost is zero in year 2 for previously treated patients as they enter the reimbursement scheme earlier, having started anti-VEGF therapy before the cost comparison.


Calculated as the number of injections per patient multiplied by the attendance cost per anti-VEGF injection.


Calculated as the number of injections per patient multiplied by the cost of ranibizumab/bevacizumab per injection.