Substitutions in the upper hinge and related impacts to radical induced hinge cleavage. Nine mutants were designed to determine any roles of Asp225 and His229 in the hinge cleavage. These substitutions were constructed by introducing single or double substitutions in the upper hinge of the native sequence by site-directed mutagenesis. Substituted residues are underlined (panel A). These mutants were evaluated for their ability to inhibit the hinge cleavage by SEC to measure the degraded products (Fab and a partial IgG1), the SEC was performed after incubating the IgG1 with H2O2 in a molar ratio of 1:200 at 25 °C for 2, 4, and 6 days, respectively. The cleavage products (% LMW) are shown as % of the peak area of the products to the whole molecule in the UV signals (panel B). For clarity, only the results from Day 6 and Day 0 are shown here. Percent change was calculated by comparing the level of % LMW at Day 6 to Day 0. Percent inhibition was calculated by the equation: % = (% change of the native − % change of mutant)/% change of the native. LMW: low molecular weight species (Fab and a partial IgG1). The results are reported as an average of two replicates.