Figure 3.
Effect of Minority Variants and Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence on Virologic Failure
Abbreviations: MV, Minority Variants; VF, Virologic Failure
aMultivariate Cox regression analysis included adherence, ethnicity, baseline CD4 cell count, and HIV-1 RNA levels.
bNumber of participants with virologic failure / total participants categorized by those with and without detectable minority variants. Participant numbers include additional virologic failure cases from the case-control and case cohort studies20–23.
Cox proportional hazard rations shown are in comparison to those without minority variants unless otherwise noted. Three studies contributed to the adherence analysis14, 19, 20. Analysis of MV copy numbers excluded three studies using assays that could not provide a percentage17, 21, 22. For the MV 1% threshold analysis, one study was excluded due to a limit of detection of 2% for the assay17 and only NNRT1 MVs were evaluated for two studies due to incompatible limits of detection fon the NRTI MVs21, 22. Four studies were excluded from the 0.5% threshold analysis due to higher limits of MV detection14, 17, 21, 22.