Fig. 1.
Residual and solubility trapping are the key trapping mechanisms that contribute to CO2 storage capacity. (A) Shows blobs of gas immobilized by residual trapping in an experimental analog system: a glass-bead pack saturated with water. (B) Shows solubility trapping in a different analog system: a Hele–Shaw cell saturated with water, topped with a source of dense, dyed water. As in the CO2 system, in which the brine with dissolved CO2 is denser than the ambient brine, dissolution occurs via finger-like protrusions of dense fluid. (C) We model trapping at the large scales relevant to a nationwide analysis and account for the injection and migration of CO2. We consider a linear arrangement of injection wells in a deep section of the aquifer (28). Initially, each well produces a radial CO2 plume, which grows and eventually interferes with those from neighboring wells, leading to a problem that can be approximated as 2D on a vertical cross section. Trapping occurs primarily after injection, when the CO2 migrates due to the aquifer slope and the natural head gradient. As the buoyant plume of mobile CO2 (dark gray) rises and spreads away from the well array, residual trapping immobilizes blobs of CO2 in its wake (light gray) (19, 29, 30), and solubility trapping shrinks the plume from below (blue) (20, 21).