Antibody antimaspin effect on ENaC β-subunit expression in
106/E41–88 cells. RT-PCRs were performed with the
amiloride-sensitive ENaC β-subunit-specific primers by using cDNA of
uninduced and DMSO-induced 106A10 cells (lanes 1 and 2), uninduced and
DMSO-induced LA7 cells (lanes 3 and 4), uninduced 106E41–88
rat8-transfected cells exposed to antimaspin antibody (lane 5), and
uninduced 106E41–88 not exposed to the antimaspin antibody (lane 6).
Lane 7, PCR-negative control. A PCR, using the same primers, was
performed on the same samples after DNase treatment and before
retrotranscription (lanes 8–13).