Biochemical analysis of activation of Cdc42 and Rac1 and
downstream targets in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells from
Rac2−/− mice. (A) Increased Cdc42 and Rac1
activation in Rac2−/− cells as analyzed by GST-PAK1 p21-binding
domain pull-down (18), one of three experiments showing similar
results. (Upper) Densitometric determination of
immunoblot bands shown below. Closed bars, WT cells; open bars,
Rac2−/− cells. (B) Increased inhibitory
phosphorylation of ADF/cofilin as measured by immunoblot with
phosphorylation-specific polyclonal antibody (anti-pADF, 1:100
dilution) (34). Closed bars, WT cells; open bars, Rac2−/− cells.
Data are mean ± SD of densitometric determination of four
independent experiments. *, P < 0.01.
(C) Reversal of filopodia as analyzed by confocal
microscopy performed after staining with 0.1 μg/ml rhodamine
phalloidin after expression of dominant negative Cdc42
(Lower) or empty vector MIEG3 (Upper).
The T17NCdc42 mutant and WT Rac2 (not shown) were introduced into the
cells via the retrovirus vectors pMX-IRES (35, 36) and MIEG3-FR2,
respectively, with published methods (20). (D) Reversal
of increased migration of Rac2−/− vs. Rac2+/+ HSC/P cells after
stimulation with SDF-1 analyzed in a transwell chamber assay after
expression of empty vector (MIEG3), WT Rac2 (FR2), or N17Cdc42. The
data are expressed as percentage change vs. Rac2WT (+/+) cells
(*, P = 0.02, n = 3).
(Inset) Migration data expressed as percentage of cells
migrating, showing increased migration of Rac2−/− cells (open bars)
expressing empty vector (MIEG3), which is reduced by expression of Rac2
(FR2). Expression of N17Cdc42 further reduces migration, but to a
larger degree in Rac2−/− cells.