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. 2012 Jan 13;21(4):681–690. doi: 10.1007/s00586-011-2145-3

Table 3.

Step 1. Baseline variables associated with working or not at follow-up in the surgical and nonsurgical groups

Surgery and rehabilitation (n = 154)
N (yes/no) % patients working categorized by yes/no P value
Physical variables
Daily consumption of narcotics 34/120 56/60 0.67
Prior surgery 42/112 55/61 0.50
 L4/L5 32/122 69/57 0.41
 L5/S1 81/73 58/60
 L4/L5 and L5/S1 41/113 54/61
Comorbidity 31/123 48/62 0.18
ODI 0.02*
Duration of back pain (months) 0.97
Body mass index 0.25*
Sociodemographic variables
Socioeconomic status
 Manual workera 58/86 51/63 0.15
Educational level (%)
 Primary school (9 years) 32/122 47/62 0.20
 High school (12 years) 93/61 60/57
 University/collegeb 29/125 69/57
Workingc 35/119 87/50 <0.001
Duration out of work
 <6 months 43/97 79/54 0.009
 6 months–1 year 38/102 61/62
 >1 year 59/81 49/70
Sex (female) 80/74 59/60 0.93
Current smoker (%) 71/82 55/62 0.36
Age 0.53*
Psychological variables and pain
HSCL 0.52*
FABQ–work 0.001*
FABQ–physical 0.88*
MCS (SF-36) 0.25*
Back pain (VAS) 0.50*
Pain drawing (below belt)d 111/30 59/67 0.42
Radiological variables
Modic I and II
 Not present 21/131 52/62 0.76
 Modic primary type I present 48/104 65/56
 Modic primary type II present 55/97 56/60
 Modic I and II present 28/124 57/59
Modic CCe 55/97 69/53 0.05
Disc height reductionf 104/48 61/54 0.46
Nucleus pulposus grade 3/4 133/19 58/63 0.66
Facet joint arthropathy grade 2/3 14/138 64/58 0.65
Posterior HIZ 63/89 54/62 0.33

Continuous and categorical variables

SF-36 scores range from 0 to 100, with higher scores corresponding to better health status

Waddell’s FABQ scale ranges from 0 to 24 (physical) and from 0 to 42 (work), with lower scores indicating less severe symptoms

HSCL-25 = Hopkins Symptom checklist; HSCL-25 reflects emotional distress, and scores range from 1 to 4, with lower scores indicating less severe symptoms

P value; Indicating if the baseline variable is associated with working or not at follow-up

FABQ Fear of Avoidance Belief Questionnaire

* Independent two-sided t test; Pearson’s χ2; Mann–Whitney U test; Fischer’s exact test

aClassified according to socioeconomic status from Statistics Norway consisting of six groups: manual low, manual high, routine nonmanual low, routine nonmanual high, professional low or professional high. Because there were few patients in each group, unskilled and skilled workers were merged into the same group and nonmanual in one group. Consequently, two groups were analyzed, manual and nonmanual[14]

bBecause there were fewer than five subjects in the category of education at university level, they were merged with 13-15 years of education (college)

cWorking versus not working;Including part-time work as working

dUden et al. [19]

eMore than 50% of the craniocaudal diameter

fMore or less than 40% height reduction (more = yes)

The Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) ranges from 0 to 100, with lower scores indicating less severe symptoms

Back pain was calculated using a horizontal scale ranging from 0 (no pain) to 100 (worst pain imaginable) with word anchors at the beginning and end