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. 2012 Mar;26(3):148–155. doi: 10.1089/apc.2011.0277

Table 1.

Crude and Adjusted Demographic, Behavioral, and HIV Prevalence Indicators of MSM in Beijing, 2009 (n=500)

Variable Homophily Equilibrium samplea% Crudeb,c% (n) Adjusted % (95% CI)
Age (median 29, range 18–71)
 18–25 0.126 34.9 34.6 (173) 36.4 (29.3–43.2)
 >25 0.181 65.1 65.4 (327) 63.6 (56.8–70.7)
 Han −0.024 93.7 93.6 (468) 96.0 (93.9–97.7)
 Others 0.024 6.3 6.4 (32) 4.0 (2.3–6.1)
 No education/elementary primary school 0.118 5.6 5.8 (29) 4.8 (2.2–8.4)
 Middle school 0.096 27.0 26.8 (134) 26.7 (21.1–32.8)
 High school 0.015 32.8 32.6 (163) 35.6 (29.0–42.4)
 College or above 0.339 34.6 34.8 (174) 32.9 (25.7–39.8)
Current marital status
 Married 0.203 22.5 20.8 (104) 27.2 (20.4–36.2)
 Unmarried 0.387 77.5 79.2 (396) 72.8 (63.8–79.6)
Occupation/work status
 Employed 0.226 85.3 85.4 (427) 82.5 (76.5–88.0)
 Not employed 0.104 9.2 9.2 (46) 9.0 (5.5–12.9)
 Student 0.082 5.5 5.4 (27) 8.6 (3.9–13.6)
Monthly income in the past 12 months (CNY)
 None 0.011 11.8 11.6 (58) 15.7 (10.4–21.5)
 <1000 0.036 9.3 9.4 (47) 8.0 (4.7–11.7)
 1000–2999 −0.018 54.2 54.2 (271) 56.8 (50.3–62.8)
 3000–4999 0.006 15.9 16.0 (80) 12.4 (9.5–16.7)
 ≥5000 0.208 8.8 8.8 (44) 7.0 (3.6–11.5)
Beijing permanent residents 0.145 17.2 18.2 (91) 12.0 (8.5–16.1)
Have health insurance 0.121 46.1 47.2 (236) 45.6 (39.5–52.7)
Sexual orientation
 Homosexual 0.154 68.2 69.2 (346) 61.7 (55.4–68.4)
 Heterosexual −0.999 1.1 1.0 (5) 1.7 (0.2–3.4)
 Bisexual −0.259 30.1 29.4 (147) 34.7 (29.3–41.1)
 Do not know 0.236 0.5 0.4 (2) 1.8 (0–4.1)
Self-reported role in anal sex with males
 Insertive −0.162 26.7 27.1 (133) 29.6 (24.5–36.2)
 Both insertive and receptive 0.145 59.7 59.4 (291) 53.7 (46.4–59.6)
 Receptive −0.367 13.6 13.5 (66) 16.7 (11.7–22.8)
Had male sexual partner in the past 6 months 0.251 97.6 97.6 (488) 96.7 (93.6–98.9)
Type of the most recent male partner in the past 6 months
 Regular partner 0.199 63.5 63.3 (309) 60.8 (53.6–67.7)
 Casual partner 0.100 36.5 36.7 (179) 39.2 (32.3–46.4)
Number of male sexual partners >1 in the past 6 months 0.368 69.8 71.4 (357) 61.2 (54.5–68.5)
Unprotected insertive anal sex with the most recent male partner in the past 6 months −0.075 36.2 36.6 (127) 34.8 (28.3–42.3)
Unprotected receptive anal sex with the most recent male partner in the past 6 months −0.013 40.8 40.4 (115) 40.5 (31.5–48.1)
Ever had sex with female 0.051 56.8 56.6 (283) 61.2 (54.2–67.8)
Had female sexual partner in the past 6 months −0.147 21.1 20.8 (104) 25.8 (19.4–32.2)
Unprotected sex with female sexual partner in the past 6 months −0.099 76.2 72.1 (75) 79.6 (65.8–97.8)
Discussed HIV status with the most recent male partner 0.100 51.1 52.0 (253) 48.6 (42.4–56.5)
Self-known the HIV status −0.004 68.4 64.7 (320) 49.7 (41.9–56.4)
Known the HIV status of the most recent male partner 0.041 25.7 26.4 (129) 22.8 (18.3–28.2)
Told the most recent male partner your HIV status 0.064 47.1 48.4 (236) 45.6 (38.7–52.3)
Known where to get HIV test 0.502 93.8 94.2 (470) 89.0 (84.2–94.0)
Ever had a HIV test 0.399 64.4 66.8 (334) 51.4 (43.3–58.6)
Had a HIV test in the past 12 months 0.283 52.6 53.2 (266) 39.3 (33.6–46.0)
Received free condoms/lubricant in the past 12 months 0.401 87.2 87.2 (436) 78.0 (72.4–84.6)
Bought condoms in the past 12 months 0.066 50.9 49.8 (249) 52.0 (44.9–58.4)
Non-injection drug use in the past 12 months −0.991 0.9 0.8 (4) 0.1 (0–0.1)
HIV positive 0.058 7.4 7.2 (36) 8.0 (4.6–12.2)
Syphilis positive 0.023 22.1 22.0 (110) 22.0 (16.8–27.0)
Both HIV and Syphilis positive −1.0 3.0 3.0% (15) 4.2 (1.8–7.2)

Composition of the sample when the sample reached stability.


Subgroups do not always add up to totals due to missing data.


Composition of the sample at the end of data collection.

MSM, men who have sex with men; CI, confidence interval.