Fig. 2.
E2 induces cooccupancy of PAF1c and H3R17me2a at the EREs of several ERα-target genes: pS2, PTGES, and IGFBP4. Cells were treated with or without E2 for 45 min followed by ChIP and quantitative PCR assays using the indicated antibodies. PAF1c occupancy at the ERE regions (B, F, and J for Paf1; C, G, and K for Cdc73) of ERα target genes coincides with the presence of the H3R17me2a mark (A, E, and I). (D, H, and L) IgG control for pS2, PTGES, and IGFBP4 ERE regions. (M) MCF7-tet-on-shCdc73 cell line was generated and knockdown efficiency of Cdc73 was shown in Western blots. (N) Cdc73 occupancy at pS2 ERE region was decreased after knockdown of Cdc73 in MCF7-tet-on-shCdc73 cells. Error bars represent SD (n = 3).