Fig. 4.
Expression of several selected ERα target genes were similarly affected by knockdown of CARM1 or Ctr9. MCF-tet-on-shCtr9 and MCF7-tet-on-shCARM1 cell lines were treated with vehicle, E2 (5 h), Dox (5 d), or Dox (5 d) + E2 (5 h) in parallel. Endogenous Ctr9 (A) and CARM1 (B) were knocked down by 90% after 5 d of Dox treatment. The mRNA levels of pS2 (C), PTGES (D), IGFBP4 (E), MYC (F), and EGR3 (G) genes were analyzed by qRT-PCR in both cell lines after the indicated treatment. The attenuation of estrogen response was observed with all examined ER target genes in both Ctr9 and CARM1 knockdown cells after Dox induced silencing of Ctr9 or CARM1, respectively. Error bars represent SD (n = 3).