Nuclear transport of phyAN and analysis of phyA-induced AtPRR9 expression. (A) Isolated nuclei were incubated with phyAN that had been labeled with Alexa Fluor 514. Nuclear transport of phyAN was induced in the presence of GST-PIF1 as well as PIF3 when incubated under continuous red light (R). (DIC images are shown Left, fluorescence images are shown Right). (Scale bars, 20 μm.) (B) Expression levels of AtPRR9 under VLFR-conditions in wild-type (Col), phyA-mutant (phyA-211), and fhy1/fhl double-mutant were analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR. Transcript levels normalized to ACTIN1 are given relative to dark levels. Data represent the average of two biological replicates (error bars, SEM).