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. 2012 Mar 20;12:21. doi: 10.1186/1471-244X-12-21

Table 2.

The two-factor model of Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the ADHD DSM- V Checklist

Component DSM-V symptoms Hyperactivity- Impulsivity
ADHD- item 1- makes careless mistakes .49
ADHD- item 2- sustaining attention .71
ADHD- item 3- listening when spoken to
ADHD- item 4- follows instructions
ADHD- Item 5- organizing tasks .81
ADHD-Item 6 - sustained mental effort .66
ADHD- item 7- loses things .57
ADHD- item 8- distracted by extraneous stimuli .63
ADHD- item 9- forgetful in daily activities .56
ADHD- item10- fidgets with hands .64
ADHD- item11- leaves seat in classroom .72
ADHD- item 12- runs about .71
ADHD- item 13- playing or leisure activities .84
ADHD- item 14- often "on the go" .81
ADHD- item 15- talks excessively .76
ADHD- item 16- blurts out answers .69
ADHD- item 17- awaiting turn .76
ADHD- item 18- interrupts or intrudes on others .72
ADHD- item 19- act without thinking .49
ADHD- item 20- impatient .62
ADHD- item 21- uncomfortable doing things slowly and systematically .58
ADHD- item 22- difficult to resist temptations or opportunities .51

Chi-square = 384.65, df = 209, P valu < 0.0001, Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) = 0.098, Non-normed Fit index (NNFI) = 0.96, Comparative Fit index = 0.96.