Table 2.
Correlations of hyperbolic temperament questionnaire scales with criterion variables in clinical, student, and treatment samples.
Hyperbolic | Agentic | Passive | Validation Seeking | Detached | |
Clinical Sample | |||||
NEO-FFI Neuroticism | .779 | -.415 | .383 | -.301 | .390 |
NEO-FFI Extraversion | -.495 | .491 | -.434 | .091 | -.593 |
NEO-FFI Openness | -.075 | .135 | -.102 | .069 | -.067 |
NEO-FFI Agreeableness | -.307 | -.025 | .146 | .389 | -.254 |
NEO-FFI Conscientiousness | -.357 | .532 | -.224 | .199 | -.223 |
DIB-R Borderline Symptoms | .631 | -.278 | .156 | -.311 | .285 |
Student Sample | |||||
IIP Total | .587 | -.316 | .367 | -.370 | .376 |
IIP Dominance | -.156 | .023 | -.594 | -.402 | -.119 |
IIP Warmth | .000 | .152 | .041 | -.025 | -.412 |
PNI Narcissism | .486 | -.068 | .074 | -.456 | .224 |
PAI Borderline | .586 | -.265 | .021 | -.344 | .300 |
CES-D Depression | .524 | -.287 | .134 | -.251 | .341 |
CTQ Sex Abuse | .080 | -.135 | .006 | -.137 | .102 |
CTQ Physical Abuse | .094 | -.193 | -.023 | -.164 | .182 |
CTQ Emotional Abuse | .204 | -.158 | -.030 | -.099 | .206 |
CTQ Emotional Neglect | .232 | -.298 | .072 | -.083 | .310 |
CTQ Physical Neglect | .104 | -.260 | .032 | -.129 | .236 |
PDQ Antisocial | -.277 | .132 | -.371 | .160 | -.051 |
PDQ Avoidant | .633 | -.203 | .394 | -.244 | .295 |
PDQ Dependent | .477 | -.259 | .248 | -.325 | .147 |
PDQ Histrionic | .282 | .024 | -.126 | -.440 | -.055 |
PDQ Narcissistic | .188 | .014 | -.081 | -.397 | .088 |
PDQ Borderline | .529 | -.186 | .022 | -.354 | .249 |
PDQ Obsessive-compulsive | .338 | .114 | .117 | -.211 | .153 |
PDQ Paranoid | .387 | -.046 | -.096 | -.222 | .166 |
PDQ Schizoid | .181 | -.156 | .053 | .046 | .484 |
PDQ Schizotypal | .294 | -.099 | .043 | -.177 | .302 |
Treatment Sample | |||||
SCL-R-90 | .508 | .261 | -.155 | -.344 | .329 |
Note. Coefficients > .30 are in bold. Because of large sample sizes in Clinical and Student samples, very small coefficients were able to achieve statistical significance even at conservative Type I error rates (e.g., p < .001), so statistical significance is not indicated. NEO-FFI = NEO Five Factor Inventory. DIB-R = Revised Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines. IIP = Inventory of Interpersonal Problems. PNI = Pathological Narcissism Inventory. PAI = Personality Assessment Inventory. CES-D = Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale. CTQ = Childhood Trauma Questionnaire. PDQ = Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire. SCL-R-90 = Revised Symptom Checklist 90.