Visible phenotypes of wild-type (WT) plants and ptac14 mutants grown on MS medium with or without 2% Suc. A, Photographs of seedling growth on MS medium with or without 2% Suc for 7 or 15 d and wild-type and ptac14-1 complementary (TC) plants grown in soil. All plants were grown under standard light intensities. Bars = 2 mm. B, Positions of the two T-DNA insertions in the pTAC14 gene. SAIL_566_F_06 was named ptac14-1 and SALK_005814 was named ptac14-2. Exons, the untranslated region, and introns are indicated by black boxes, gray boxes, and lines, respectively. C, pTAC14 gene expression levels in wild-type, ptac14-1, and ptac14-2 plants as well as the complementary lines.