Figure 3.
Changes of soluble sugar levels in leaves of Aterdl6 mutant lines. Sugar content of unshaded leaves harvested 3 h after the onset of light was determined by HPAEC-PAD. Sugar levels relative to the wild-type (WT) Glc level are shown (100% equals 286 μg g−1 fresh weight in A and 574 μg g−1 fresh weight in B). A, Comparison of sugar levels in the wild type (black bars) and two independent Aterdl6 mutant lines, SAIL_528_F09 (light gray bars) and SALK_106049 (dark gray bars). Plants were grown under short-day conditions for 3 weeks. Aterdl6 mutant lines have a more than 2-fold increased Glc level. B, Comparison of sugar levels in the wild type (black bars) and two AtERDL6-overexpressing lines, ERDL6ox-2 (light gray bars) and ERDL6ox-7 (dark gray bars). Plants were grown under long-day conditions for 5 weeks. AtERDL6 overexpressors show more than 50% reduction of the Glc level. For all experiments, data represent means ± se of at least six biological replicates.