Figure 2.
Syntenic relationships between wheat chromosome 3B and rice and B. distachyon chromosomes. A, Syntenic genes between wheat chromosome 3B (3B) and rice orthologous chromosome 1 (Os01). The axes along the chromosomes indicate the physical position in Mb. The eight deletion bins of wheat chromosome 3B are represented in colors as in Figure 1. Each line starting in a wheat deletion bin and ending on rice chromosome 1 represents a gene assigned to the deletion bin for which an orthologous gene on rice chromosome 1 was identified. The color of the line corresponds to the color of the deletion bin to which the gene was assigned. The colored blocks represent blocks of microsynteny, i.e. blocks of genes which location on wheat chromosome 3B and rice chromosome 1 is conserved. The genes within each deletion bin were ordered according to the order of their orthologs on rice chromosome 1. B, Nonsyntenic genes between wheat chromosome 3B (3B) and the other rice chromosomes. A block of genes between 3BL7 deletion bin and rice chromosome 10 was drawn as these genes are conserved with the same order than their orthologs on rice chromosome 10. C, Syntenic genes between wheat chromosome 3B (3B) and B. distachyon orthologous chromosome 2 (Bd2). D, Nonsyntenic genes between wheat chromosome 3B (3B) and the other B. distachyon chromosomes.