Figure 2.
Atg13 is essential for autophagosome generation (A) DT40 wild-type and (B) atg13−/− cells were incubated in normal growth medium (control) or EBSS for 2 h. Cells were fixed and analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. A representative cell from each condition is shown in two different magnifications. Autophagosomes are indicated by black arrow heads in the image with higher magnification, swollen mitochondria are indicated by asterisks (bars: 500 nm). (C) Wild-type and (D) atg13−/− cells, retrovirally transfected with cDNA encoding mRFP-EGFP-rLC3 were incubated in EBSS for 2 h and analyzed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. The mRFP signal is shown in red and the EGFP signal in green in the merged image. Autolysosomes are indicated by white arrow heads (bars: 10 µm). The percentage of autolysosome containing cells (>200 cells/experiment) is represented as mean ± range of two independent experiments.