For each surveillance system only inputs are shown that cause at least a 5% increase and decrease of total costs. Surveillance system acronyms: The first part is the sampled material either blood (B), eggs (E) or a combination of blood and eggs (BE). The second part is the sampling location either farm (F), packing station (P), a combination of farm and packing station (FP), blood sampled at the farm and eggs sampled at the packing station (FP1) or blood sampled at the farm and eggs sampled and prepared at the packing station (FP2). The third part is the location of sample preparation either laboratory (L), packing station (P) or a combination of laboratory and packing station (LP).Other abbreviations: SF out: Sampling Frequency outdoor farms, NF out: Number of outdoor farms, NSF: Number of Samples per Farm, PT: Price of one Test, NRE: Number of Robot for Eggs, TLT: Technical lifetime of a robot and PPR eggs: Purchase Price Robot for eggs.