(A)Three examples of the orientation tuning of the population average (top row, blue; average of all cellular responses within each volume) and of one representative inhibitory neuron (middle row, red) and excitatory neuron (bottom row, black) from each local population. Thick straight lines indicate estimated orientation preference. Orientation preference was not estimated for cells or population averages with tuning OSI < 0.05. Tick marks along the horizontal axis indicate 4 % ΔF/F. The number to the left of the each cellular polar plot is the difference (in degrees) between the cell and population preferred orientation. (B) Three population examples of spatial frequency tuning curves (dots) and difference-of-Gaussian fits (solid curves). As in (A), top panel indicates population average and lower panels indicate individual inhibitory and excitatory neuron tuning curves. We estimated preferred spatial frequency (vertical lines), and calculated the difference (in octaves) between the cell and population preferred spatial frequency (numbers above each panel). (C) Distribution of absolute differences between neuron and population orientation preferences for inhibitory (red) and excitatory (black) neurons, restricted to neurons with robust estimates of preference (see Experimental Procedures). (D) Distribution of absolute differences between the neuron and population preferences for spatial frequency. See also Figure S5.