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. 2012 Mar 23;12:237. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-237

Table 2.

Association between the main outcomes of the cervical screening tests based on visual inspection methods and HIV status in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire.

Univariate Multivariate*
n/N OR 95% CI p OR 95% CI p

Eligible women who underwent a cervical screening with acetic acid and Lugol iodine (n = 4,046)

Positive VI† < 10-4 < 10-4
HIV-negative 41/1,048 1 1
HIV-positive 268/2,998 2.41 1.72-3.37 2.28 1.61-3.23

Positive VIA < 10-4 < 10-4
HIV-negative 20/1,048 1 1
HIV-positive 230/2,998 4.27 2.69-6.78 4.02 2.49-6.48

Positive VILI < 10-4 < 10-4
HIV-negative 37/1,048 1 1
HIV-positive 255/2,998 2.54 1.79-3.61 2.34 1.63-3.36

Clinical cervicitis < 10-3 < 10-4
HIV-negative 64/1,048 1 1
HIV-positive 290/2,998 1.65 1.24-2.18 1.86 1.38-2.50

No visualisation of the SCJ 0.47 0.45
HIV-negative 24/1,048 1 1
HIV-positive 81/2,998 1.18 0.75-1.88 1.2 0.74-1.94

CIN of any grade‡ 10-3 < 10-2
HIV-negative 20/1,048 1 1
HIV-positive 132/2,998 2.36 1.47-3.81 2.13 1.31-3.45

Positively screened women with acetic acid and/or Lugol iodine (n = 309)

Multiple lesions 0.08 0.10
HIV-negative 6/41 1 1
HIV-positive 74/268 2.25 0.90-5.51 2.13 0.85-5.35

Lesions with several < 10-4 < 10-4
quadrants of the cervix
HIV-negative 14/41 1 1
HIV-positive 184/268 4.22 2.11-8.47 4.49 2.17-9.28

Extension to the endocervical canal < 10-2 0.02
HIV-negative 11/41 1 1
HIV-positive 134/268 2.64 1.27-5.50 2.42 1.15-5.08

Patients lost to follow-up∫ 0.32 0.26
HIV-negative 5/41 1 1
HIV-positive 50/268 1.65 0.62-4.42 1.89 0.63-5.69

The IeDEA West Africa collaboration, 2009-2010.

* Adjusted for age group in years ([25-35],[35-45],[45-55] and [55-65]), parity (yes vs. no) and number of lifetime sexual partners (< 5 vs. ≥5)

† Positive visual inspection with VIA and/or VILI

‡ Histological precancerous or cancer lesions confirmed in women who underwent colposcopic examination and directed biopsies

∫ Positively screened women referred for a colposcopic consultation who did not attend the appointment after a telephone-based tracking procedure

Abbreviations: OR Odds ratio, CI Confidence interval, VIA Visual inspection with acetic acid, VILI Visual inspection with Lugol iodine, SCJ Squamocolumnar junction, CIN Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.