Figure 8. ABA versus ISAC correlation results on serum samples selected on the basis of the allergen specificities reported in each panel and listed in Table S1.
Letter flags, namely N, O, P, Q, in figure 8 indicate them as parts of the results shown also in figures 5, 6, and 7. Consecutive letters are used on purpose to recall result type continuity across the four figures. Allergen nature, being either natural or recombinant, matched for both tests. Vertical dashed lines represent the arbitrary ABA negative cut off value. Horizontal dashed lines mark the value range where ISAC IgE determinations are not always reproducible (unpublished data). For graphical visualization needs on log scales, zero value for ABA was set at 10 MFI on the X axis, and at 0.01 kU/l for ISAC value on the Y axis. The Spearman r correlation coefficient was calculated and the Fisher's exact test was used for statistical purposes. Statistical results are reported below each graph.