Figure 6.
MXAN fits to the K-edge XAS of 0.10 M Cu(II) in 4 M aqueous imidazole solution, over the E-E0 range −8 eV to 200 eV, with the following models: (
), square planar [Cu(Im)4]2+; (
),axially elongated square pyramidal [Cu(Im)4(H2O)]2+ (offset −0.5 unit), and; (
), axially elongated octahedral [Cu(Im)4(H2O)2]2+ (offset −1.0 unit). Only the square pyramidal model reproduces both the rising edge shoulder and the split absorption maximum of the data. Inset: (
), scattering contribution to the fitted XAS of the square pyramidal model, of four second shell equatorial solvent waters at 7.4±0.6 Å. See the text for discussion.