Panel a. A comparison of: (○), the K-edge XAS of 0.10 M copper(II) in 4 M imidazole liquid aqueous solution; (
), the axially elongated (Oax=2.17 Å) square pyramidal MXAN fit with a distal Oax scatterer at 3.1 Å, and; (
), the analogous fit (Oax=2.28 Å) without the distal Oax scatterer. Panel b. The second derivatives of: (-○-), the K-edge XAS spectrum of 0.10 M Cu(II) in 4 M aqueous imidazole; (
) the axially elongated square pyramid with the distal scatterer, and; (
), the axially elongated square pyramid alone. The arrows show where the 3.1 Å axial scatterer contributed a feature to the rising edge shoulder.