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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Apr 18.
Published in final edited form as: JAMA. 2009 Apr 8;301(14):1460–1467. doi: 10.1001/jama.2009.458

Table 1.

Baseline sociodemographic and clinical characteristics by intervention status

Overall (N = 134) CBT (n = 70) EUC (n = 64) pValue
Age (SD) 66.9 (5.79) 66.6 (5.93) 67.3 (5.66) .54
Education (SD) 15.9 (3.01) 16.1 (2.93) 15.7 (3.10) .47
Female, No. (%) 105 (78.4) 56 (80) 49 (76.6) .63
Race and Ethnicity, No. (%) .40
 Non-Hispanic Caucasian 94(70.2) 49(70.0) 45(70.3)
 African American 25 (18.7) 12(17.1) 13(20.3)
 Hispanic 11(8.2) 5(7.1) 6(9.4)
 Asian 3(2.2) 3(4.3) 0(0.0)
 Mixed 1(6.8) 1(1.4) 0(0.0)
Marital Status, No. (%) .16
  Never Married 2 (1.49) 0 2 (3.13)
  Married 83 (61.9) 40 (57.14) 43 (67.19)
  Separated/Divorced 31 (23.1) 17 (24.29) 14 (21.88)
  Widowed 18 (13.43) 13 (18.57) 5 (7.81)
Job Status, No. (%) .54
   Retired 74 (55.2) 42 (60) 32 (50)
   Employed Full-time or Part-time 48 (35.8) 23 (32.9) 25 (39.1)
   Homemaker 7 (5.2) 4 (5.7) 3 (4.7)
   Unemployed 5 (3.7) 1 (1.4) 4 (6.3)
PSWQ (SD)** 55.3 (10.90) 53.3 (10.57) 57.6 (10.91) .02
GADSS (SD)** 11.3 (3.50) 11.4 (3.60) 11.3 (3.42) .88
SIGH-A (SD)** 19.3 (7.77) 19.4 (7.72) 19.1 (7.89) .79
BDI (SD)** 16.4 (8.72) 16.3 (8.00) 16.4 (11.51) .95
SF-12 MCS (SD)++ 42.0 (9.69) 42.4 (9.96) 41.7 (9.45) .69
SF-12 PCS (SD)++ 44.1 (8.35) 44.0 (8.51) 44.2 (8.24) .84
Presence of Coexistent Diagnosis, No. (%) 96 (71.6) 55 (78.6) 41 (64.1) .06
   Any Coexistent Anxiety, No (%) 54 (40.3) 33 (47.1) 21 (32.8) .09
   Any Coexistent Depression, No (%) 60 (44.8) 33(47.1) 27(42.2) .56
Number of Medical Diagnoses (SD) 2.6 (1.82) 2.7 (1.77) 2.5 (1.89) .73
Use of Psychotropic Medications, No. (%) 56 (42) 28 (40) 28 (43.8) .66
   Antianxiety Medication, No. (%) 23 (17) 12 (17) 11 (17) .99
   Antidepressant Medication, No. (%) 41 (31) 24 (34) 17 (27) .33

Abbreviations: CBT, cognitive behavior therapy; EUC, enhanced usual care; PSWQ, Penn State Worry Questionnaire; GADSS, Generalized Anxiety Disorder Severity

Scale; SIGH-A, Structured Interview Guidelines for the Hamilton Anxiety

Rating Scale; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; SF-12 MCS,

Medical Outcomes Study Short Form Mental Component Scale; SF-12 PCS, Medical Outcomes Study

Short Form Physical Component Scale


Higher scores indicate more severe symptoms.


Higher scores indicate better health-related quality of life.

p value indicates comparison of participants in CBT and EUC groups (t-tests or Chi-square tests)