Fig. 3.
Conductances of Xenopus oocytes expressing hCFTR (n = 35), killifish (kf)CFTR (n = 18), pig (p)CFTR (n = 24), shark (s)CFTR (n = 21), and uninjected (n = 12) or water-injected oocytes (n = 12). Conductance was calculated using the current at the clamped voltage of −20 mV and the current at the clamped voltage of + 20 mV. Uninjected and water-injected control oocytes had a significant lower basal conductance compared with hCFTR and a significant lower conductance after stimulation compared with hCFTR. Basal conductance of kfCFTR was significantly higher compared with hCFTR. The maximum stimulated steady-state conductances of the four CFTR orthologs did not differ significantly. Values are means ± SE. *P < 0.05; ***P < 0.001 compared with hCFTR.