Carcinogen-induced IκB phosphorylation is inhibited by resveratrol. (A) HBMEC were serum-starved for 30 minutes in the presence or not of 30 μM resveratrol, then treated with 1 μM PMA for the indicated time. Lysates were isolated, electrophoresed via SDS-PAGE and immunodetection of phosphorylated IκB (P-IκB) and GAPDH proteins was performed as described in the Methods section. (B) Quantification was performed by scanning densitometry of the autoradiograms.
Notes: Data were expressed as the percent of basal phospho-IκB/GAPDH ratios in vehicle (open circles) and resveratrol pre-treated cells (closed circles). Densitometric data of a representative blot out of three is shown.