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. 2012 Apr 18;7(4):e35531. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0035531

Table 1. Overview of networks used in our analysis.

network type Inline graphic Inline graphic density GCC
Arabidopsis thaliana (BG) 1675 2953 0.00210 1212
Homo sapiens (BG) 8429 29321 0.00082 8114
Mus musculus (BG) 545 490 0.00330 141
Drosophila melanogaster (BG) 7034 22222 0.00089 6907
Caenorhabditis elegans (BG) 2806 4457 0.00113 2575
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (BG) 5620 53309 0.00337 5611
Schizosaccharomyces pombe (BG) 1411 2478 0.00249 1313
Escherichia coli (DIP) 2856 6712 0.00164 2159
Helicobacter pylori (DIP) 1066 1415 0.00249 976
Mycoplasma pneumoniae (IA) 415 735 0.00855 375
Rattus norvegicus (IA) 1232 1421 0.00187 1095
Western States Power Grid 4941 6594 0.00054 4941
Coauthorship Netscience 1589 2742 0.00217 379
Collaboration Hep-th 8361 15751 0.00045 5835

The first Inline graphic networks are protein networks and the bottom Inline graphic are technological and social networks. The columns refer to the number of nodes (Inline graphic) and edges (Inline graphic) in the network, density is the edge density and GCC is the giant connected component. BG: BioGrid database, IA: IntAct database.