Putative Asian population–specific copy number variants. (a) Venn diagram showing validated putative Asian-specific CNVEs. The lower part of the figure (blue) indicates the ethnic distribution of 4,959 CNVEs that were discovered by a 42M NimbleGen aCGH platform and validated with a genotyping microarray in the same study2. The upper part of the figure indicates that 3,547 out of 5,177 CNVEs found among the 30 Asian individuals in this study do not reach a 1-bp overlap with CNVEs recently found by the Genome Structural Variation Consortium2. The Genome Structural Variation Consortium reported that they found 4,978 validated CNVEs, but we show only 4,959 of them in this Venn diagram because 19 were nonpolymorphic. (b) Distribution of gene ontology categories for genes in which coding sequences overlap with common copy number– gain regions (outer circle) and copy number–loss regions (inner circle) identified from 30 Asian subjects. (c) CNVE location and number of Asian individuals involved (bar graph, right). Red, copy number gain; green, copy number loss. Selected genes and miRNAs are also shown on the left.