Fig. 3.
CeA neurons retrogradely labeled after FG administration in the BNST express μOR(A). A somatodendritic profile (μOR + FG-s) is labeled for FG and μOR. A nucleus (nuc) is seen in the cell body, along with multiple mitochondria (m) that also extend into the proximal dendrite. Multiple immunogold-silver particles for NR1 (arrows) are present in intracellular areas of the proximal dendritic process. This profile is also contacted by unlabeled axon terminals (ut).(B). A small dendritic profile (μOR + FG-d) expresses labeling for μOR and FG. A gold–silver particle (arrow) is present near the plasma membrane beneath the post-synaptic density of an asymmetric type synaptic junction (filled arrow head) formed with an unlabeled axon terminal (ut). Scale bars: 1 µm (A), 0.5 µm (B).