A segment of an alternans control trial (Patient 1).
a, b, and c show AV, VA,
and g vs. beat number n for various
stages (as annotated in c) of the control trial. VA
nonlinear-dynamical control perturbations terminated the alternans in
each of the control attempts. The Insets in each panel
show the first 15 beats of the second control attempt (1,290 ≤
n ≤ 1,305). During this time, the adaptive flexibility
of the algorithm is apparent by means of the algorithmic modifications
made to the AV steady-state estimate [a
Inset, AV (filled circles) and AV steady-state estimate
(open diamonds)] and to g (c
Inset). The changes in g were dictated
(as described in Methods and ref. 36) by every second
beat (1,290 ≤ n ≤ 1,295) to every fourth
beat (1,296 ≤ n ≤ 1,303) and back to every
second beat (1,303 ≤ n ≤ 1,305) VA
perturbation patterns (b Inset).