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. 2012 Apr 19;5:6. doi: 10.3389/fneng.2012.00006

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Synaptic input (defined as the difference in input between the blend stimulation period and the pre-stimulation control period, multiplied by the corresponding synaptic weights) for neurons of different response type (μ ± SEM for 100 model realizations). (A) Total input to AL neurons. All comparisons reached p < 1 × 10−6 in the t-test after Bonferroni correction, the most important result being responses consisting of excitation vs. inhibition (orange and cyan diamonds). In panels B and C, we show the input arriving from different types of neurons (LNs, PNs, and OSNs) to AL neurons (PNs and LNs). (B) Input to PNs arriving from LNs (left panel), PNs (middle panel), and OSNs (right panel). (C) Input to LNs arriving from LNs (left panel), PNs (middle panel), and OSNs (right panel). The p values for cases in which we found significant differences in the t-test (p ≤ 0.01, after Bonferroni correction) are listed in the following, the most important result being responses consisting of excitation vs. inhibition (orange and cyan diamonds). For the input from LNs to PNs (left panel of B) all comparisons reached p < 1 × 10−6. For the input from PNs to PNs (middle panel of B) comparisons reached p < 1 × 10−6. For the input from OSNs to PNs (right panel in B) excitation vs. inhibition p < 1 × 10−6, excitation vs. no response p < 1 × 10−6, inhibition vs. mixed response p < 1 × 10−6, inhibition vs. no response p < 2 × 10−5, and mixed vs. no response p < 1 × 10−6. For the input from LNs to LNs (left panel in C) all comparisons reached p < 1 × 10−6, with the only exception of mixed vs. no response that was not significant.