In vitro transcription activation from
tox promoters by RNA polymerase and TxeR. In
vitro run-off transcription reactions were performed by using
RNA polymerases from E. coli (Ec), B.
subtilis (Bs), or C. difficile (Cd) and DNA
fragments containing either the toxA promoter
(PtoxA) or the toxB promoter
(PtoxB) incubated in the absence or presence of
partially purified TxeR. A control transcription reaction performed on
the gdh promoter DNA with C. difficile
RNA polymerase is shown in the leftmost lane. The expected sizes of
run-off transcripts (indicated by arrows) are: Pgdh, 162
nt; PtoxA, 255 nt; PtoxB, 175 nt. An
additional read-through transcript of 291 nt is made from the
gdh promoter.