Figure 5. IL-17 downregulates Del-1 expression.
(a) Gingival Del-1 mRNA expression in wild-type (WT) and IL17ra−/− mice determined by qPCR. (b) Sagittal sections of interdental gingiva of WT and Il17ra−/− mice were stained for Del-1; shown are representative fluorescent confocal images (upper row) and their overlays with corresponding DIC images (lower row). Bar, 50μm; T, tooth; G, gingiva; S, sulcus. (c) The fluorescence intensities of these and additional representative images from independent mice (5 per group) were quantified using ImageJ analysis. (d) Anti-IL-17A mAb and IgG2a control were microinjected into the gingiva and Del-1 mRNA expression was determined by qPCR. (e) Gingival IL-17A mRNA expression was determined in young (8–10 weeks) and old (18 months) mice using qPCR. (f) Linear-regression analysis of Del-1 versus IL-17A expression in old mice. (g) Determination of Del-1 mRNA expression and MPO amounts in the gingiva of indicated BM chimeric mice (donor BM → lethally irradiated recipient). (h) HUVEC were stimulated with or without human IL-17A and Del-1 mRNA expression was quantified by qPCR (pooled data from four independent experiments). Mouse data are shown for each individual animal in scatter plots or represent means ± SD (n=5 mice) in bar graphs, and are representative of two or three independent experiments. *P <0.05; **P <0.01.