Fig. 8. Ultrastructural analysis of chlamydial inclusions.
HeLa cells were transfected with control siRNA (A), COG8 siRNA (B), or GS15 siRNA (C) and infected with C.trachomatis serovar D 72 h (MOI=5) after transfection. Cells were fixed 24 h after infection and processed for TEM. Representative inclusions (out of ~20 random sections) are shown at 6500× magnification (Scale bar, 1 µm) and at 25000× magnification (Last image of each panel, Scale bar, 0.2 µm). Note that inclusions in COG8 KD and GS15 KD cells contained large amount of membranous material and bacteria ghosts (arrows) in addition to reticular bodies (RB). Al least some membranous material inside the inclusion in COG8KD cells is originated from the lysed RBs (D, arrowheads). Significantly more membranous material was observed in inclusions of COG8 KD (24/26 inclusions) and GS15 KD cells (14/16 inclusions) compared to control (5/20 inclusions). P<0.001 (control vs COG8 KD) and P=0.002 (control vs. GS15 KD) by Fisher exact test.