Schematic diagram of receptor-ligand pairings with sFn as a cross-linking molecule. When ICAM and αVβ3 bearing melanoma cells approach ICAM-1 bearing ECs and Mac-1 bearing PMNs, 4 types of bonds (ICAM-1)TC-(sFn)-(ICAM-1)EC, (αvβ3)TC-(sFn)-(ICAM-1)EC, (ICAM-1)TC-(sFn)-(Mac-1)PMN, and (αvβ3)TC-(sFn)-(Mac-1)PMN via freely flowing sFn molecules could form. ICAM-1-mediated bonds initiated short-term tethering, while αvβ3 -mediated bonds were responsible for firm adhesion of melanoma cells to either EC or PMN.