Restoration of bidirectional coupling by expression of chimera
GFP-SkLMS45. (A) Whole-cell Ca2+
currents (Upper) and depolarization-induced
Ca2+ transients (Lower) recorded
simultaneously from dysgenic myotubes expressing GFP-SkLM or
GFP-SkLMS45. Step depolarizations (200-ms pulses) were
applied in 10-mV increments from a holding potential of −80 mV after a
prepulse protocol (24). The vertical scale indicates ΔF/F,
Ca2+-induced Fluo-3 fluorescence increments (ΔF) with
respect to basal fluorescence (F). (B) Voltage
dependence of depolarization-induced Ca2+ transients
(ΔF/F, Upper) and of peak current densities
(pA/pF, Lower) recorded from dysgenic myotubes
expressing GFP-α1S (●), GFP-SkLM
(♦), and GFP-SkLMS45 (○). Values represent the
mean ± SEM of 11–20 recordings. The small Ca2+
transients for GFP-SkLM appeared to be a direct consequence of
Ca2+ influx through the DHPR (see text).