(A) Total amount of time (sec) engaged in mark- or
sham-directed behaviors during early sham-marking, genuine markings,
and late sham-marking. The subject spent a significantly greater
cumulative amount of time engaged in Self-directed behaviors at
reflective surfaces when marked than when early sham-marked or late
sham-marked. (B) In Phase 2, time (sec) at mirror
location under different experimental conditions: No mirror–no mark,
No mirror–mark, Mirror–no mark, and Mirror–mark. The mean time spent
at the mirror location when the subject was marked and the mirror
present and uncovered was significantly greater than under any other
condition. In the one session in which the subject was sham-marked, he
spent a comparatively brief time at the mirror location.
(C) Latency from departure by the subject from
stationing to the first mirror orientation when marked, sham-marked, or
unmarked. The criterion for mirror orientation was that the dolphin
came to a stop at the mirror.