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. 2012 May;4(5):a005587. doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a005587

Table 1.

Dendritic spine and synapse dimensions

Brain region (cell/spine type) Spine density (#/μm dendrite) Spine volume (μm3 or fl) Spine surface area (μm2) PSD area (μm2) Neck diameter (μm) References
Adult rats
CA1, SR 2.89# 0.054# (0.003–0.56) 0.83 ± 0.63** (0.13–4.4) 0.069# (0.008–0.54) 0.14# (0.027–0.99) Harris and Stevens (1988); Megias et al. (2001); Cooney et al. (2002); Bourne et al. (2007b); Popov et al. (2007); Nicholson and Geinisman (2009); Mishchenko et al. (2010)
CA1, SL-M 0.81# 0.11*a (0.006–0.52) 0.090*a (0.018–0.42) 0.166*a (0.043–0.72) Megias et al. (2001); Donohue et al (2006); Nicholson and Geinisman (2009)
CA3 (thorny excrescences) 1.17 ± 0.15*** 15.1# (9.2–35.9) 2.4 ± 1.3**b (0.91–5.1) Chicurel and Harris (1992); Rollenhagen et al. (2007); Stewart et al. (2005)
Cerebellum (Purkinje cells) 4.87*c (2.0–14.3)f 0.12 ± 0.02** (0.06–0.18) 1.12 ± 0.18** (0.69–1.63) 0.15 ± 0.08** (0.04–0.36) 0.20 ± 0.04** (0.09–0.31) Harris and Stevens (1988); Lu et al. (2009)
Striatum (medium spiny neurons) (2.2–4.6) 0.12* (0.04–0.33) 1.46* (0.61–3.14) (0.1–0.5) Wilson et al. (1983)
Lateral amygdala 2.1*d 0.7* (SA)e 2.2* (SA+)e 0.05* (SA)e 0.19* (SA+)e Ostroff et al. (2010)
Adult mice
CA1 0.038 ± 0.036** 0.043 ± 0.031** Schikorski and Stevens (1997)
Cerebellum 0.18 ± 0.06** (0.06-0.42) 1.86 ± 0.36** (1.08–3.10) 0.13 ± 0.06** (0.03–0.27) Spacek and Hartmann (1983)
Visual cortex 0.15# (0.01–0.81) 2.08 ± 0.83** (0.48–4.76) 0.15# (0.01–0.69) 0.20 ± 0.06** (0.09–0.51) Spacek and Hartmann (1983); Arellano et al. (2007)
Barrel cortex 0.45*–0.83* (0.015–0.77) (0.36–4.24) (0.006–0.64) Knott et al. (2006)
Piriform cortex 0.10# 0.098# Schikorski and Stevens (1999)

# Median of the means reported in cited studies.

* Mean.

** Mean ± SD.

*** Mean ± SEM (range).

a Mean was calculated across all spine types from the means and sample sizes reported in Nicholson and Geinisman (2009; Table 3).

b Mean ± SD was calculated from data reported in Rollenhagen et al. (2007; Table 1) to include all thorny excrescences from two age groups (P28 and P90–120).

c Mean was calculated from data reported in Lu et al. (2009) to include all Purkinje cell dendritic segments receiving granule cell inputs.

d Mean was calculated from data reported in Ostroff et al. (2010, Fig. 2G) to combine all types of spines.

e SA, spines not containing spine apparatus; SA+, spines containing spine apparatus.

f Values in parentheses indicate range.