Essay on Professionalism (intended to test for understanding of elements of professionalism) |
Setting: Written at a computer after interview, 30 minutes allowed. |
Question: Applicants were presented with a short definition of professionalism and three statements describing specific professional behaviours from authorities such as the medical school or a medical College, and then asked: What does this information tell you as an applicant to medical school?
Essay on Reflection (intended to test for reflection and self-assessment) |
Setting: Written at a computer after interview, 30 minutes allowed. |
Question: You just completed an interview process where you had a chance to deal with the following stations. What did you learn about yourself during these 3 scenarios that might be important if admitted to our medical school? (followed by information from three stations) |
Questions used in interviews with applicants |
• "how did you decide how to answer the essay questions?" |
• "were you able to answer the essay questions freely and honestly?" |
"what effect did being in a competitive process have on your answers?" |
Questions used in interviews with assessors |
• "how did you approach the job of marking?" |
"did you think all of the material you read in the essays was truthful?" |