Figure 1. Global CpG methylation dynamics across early murine embryogenesis.
a. Schematic representation of samples isolated and purified for methylation analysis with replicate number (n) highlighted. hpf: hours post fertilization; dpf: days post fertilization.
b. Fraction of 100bp tiles with High (≥0.8, red), Intermediate (Inter, >0.2 and <0.8, green) and Low (≤0.2, blue) methylation values. Brain, heart and liver tissue are shown for adult comparisons.
c. Histogram of methylation values across 100bp tiles. n is the number of tiles for each stage.
d. Boxplots of methylation values at different local CpG densities highlight the difference between hypomethylated pre-implantation tissues and the adult pattern seen in sperm, post-implantation and somatic samples. Bulls-eye indicates the median, edges the 25th/75th percentile and whiskers the 2.5th/97.5th percentile.
e. CpG density of >0.2 methylation (left panel) and ≤0.2 methylation (right panel) tiles in stages that display somatic versus embryonic patterning (red and blue lines, respectively).