Figure 2. Differences in Auxin Dependent TIR1/AFB-Aux/IAA Interaction Are Not Exclusively Determined by the Degron Domain.
a. Yeast-two hybrid interaction experiments of TIR1, AFB1, AFB2 and AFB5 with IAA3, IAA5, IAA7, IAA8, IAA12, IAA20, IAA28, IAA29, IAA31, which represent the different subclades of Arabidopsis Aux/IAAs. Diploids containing LexA DBD-TIR1/AFBs and ADAux/IAAs were generated and spotted in selective media (Gal/Raff -Ura-His-Trp + X-Gal) containing increasing concentrations of IAA. β-galactosidase reporter expression evidenced IAA-induced protein-protein interactions 4 days after spotting. b. Aux/IAA proteins with a very similar DII domain interact differentially with TIR1/AFBs suggesting that regions outside of DII contribute to binding. IAA7 DII depicted as stick (yellow), with conserved tryptophan and second proline residues, which interact with the surrounding hydrophobic wall in the TIR1 pocket and stack against the auxin molecule lying underneath. DII sequences of the selected Aux/IAAs are shown for comparison (right).