Efficacy of treatment with a third-line TKI following treatment with sequential VEGFR-TKI→TOR inhibitor therapy
TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitor; VEGFR, vascular endothelial growth factor receptor; mTORi, mammalian target of rapamycininhibitor; PFS, progression-free survival; ORR, objective response rate; SD, stable disease; DCR, disease control rate; OS, overall survival; Eve, everolimus; Tem, temsirolimus; Su, sunitinb; So, sorafenib; Dov, dovitinib; Retro, retrospective; Pros, prospective.
a: SD≥3 mo, DCR: PR+SD, b: PFS: treatment of sorafenib +/-, PFS after everolimus 3.7 vs. 11.3 mo, p=0.036 in uni-variate analyses, c: OS: from start of third-line TKIs, OS: PFS first-line VEGF treatment ≥6 mo vs. <6 mo, OS 53.4 vs.19.3 mo, p=0.002, d: Median PFS: sunitinib rechallenge interval>6 mo vs. ≤6 mo, 16.5 vs. 6.5 mo, p=0.3, e: Response rate: first-line sunitinib responder vs. non-responder, 47% vs. 0%, p=0.0027, f: OS: everolimus→sunitinib vs. everolimus→sorafenib=30.5 mo vs. 17.6 mo (p=0.102), g: SD: SD≥2 mo 29 (49.2%), SD≥4 mo 16 (27.1%), h: OS: from start of sorafenib treatment, i: OS: from start of dovitinib treatment.