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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Apr 23.
Published in final edited form as: Sex Health. 2011 Sep;8(3):295–303. doi: 10.1071/SH10008

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of patients.

TCE, triple class experienced; s.d., standard deviation; ARV, antiretroviral; IQR, interquartile range; NRTI, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; NNRTI, non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; PI, protease inhibitor; cART, combination antiretroviral treatment

n (%)
n (%)
Total 526 (100) 972 (100)
Age (years)
    Mean (s.d.) 40 (10) 39 (10)
    <30 70 (13) 133 (14)
    30–39 212 (40) 395 (40)
    40–49 156 (30) 279 (29)
    50+ 88 (17) 165 (17)

    Male 492 (93) 909 (93)
    Female 33 (6) 59 (6)
    Transgender 1 (<1) 4 (<1)

    Homosexual 389 (74) 679 (70)
    Other 134 (25) 281 (29)
    Missing 3 (<1) 12 (1)
Prior AIDS
    No 441 (84) 884 (91)
    Yes 85 (16) 88 (9)
Hepatitis B
    Negative or not tested 494 (94) 924 (95)
    Positive 32 (6) 48 (5)
Hepatitis C
    Negative or not tested 460 (87) 874 (90)
    Positive 66 (13) 98 (10)

Prior ARV
    No 313 (60) 744 (77)
    Yes 213 (40) 228 (23)
First cART regimen
    NRTI ± PI, no NNRTI 321 (61) 377 (39)
    NNRTI + PI, ±NRTI 52 (10) 6 (<1)
    NRTI + NNRTI, no PI 153 (29) 589 (61)
No. of drugs in first cART regimen
    3 475 (90) 942 (97)
    4+ 51 (10) 30 (3)

CD4 (cells µL−1)A
    Median (IQR) 297 (150–443) 312 (180–480)
    <200 134 (25) 211 (22)
    200–299 55 (10) 148 (15)
    300–499 119 (23) 226 (23)
    500+ 69 (13) 183 (19)
    Missing 149 (28) 204 (21)

Viral load (copies mL−1)A
    Median (IQR) 70 794 (9700–290 000) 53 000 (10 000–171 500)
    ≤400 25 (5) 89 (9)
    401–10 000 72 (14) 100 (10)
    10 000+ 276 (52) 566 (58)
    Missing 153 (29) 217 (22)

Year started cART
    1997 260 (49) 215 (22)
    1998–99 174 (33) 281 (29)
    2000–03 76 (14) 268 (28)
    2004+ 16 (3) 208 (21)

The closest measure within 6 months before baseline.