Figure 5.
Growth-deficient phenotypes of DInr, Dp110 and dPKB mutants are suppressed by loss of dFOXO. (a) Control fly. (b) Selective removal of DInr from the head leads to a pinhead phenotype, which is partially suppressed by the loss of dFOXO (c). The same suppression is observed in Dp110-, and dPKB-pinheads (d-g). The TSC1-/- bighead phenotype (h) is enhanced by mutations in dFOXO (i), but the dPTEN-/- bighead (j) is slightly suppressed (k). (l) Living without PKB. In contrast to the larval lethality of dPKB null mutants, dPKB-dFOXO double mutants develop into small pharate adults, most of which fail to eclose. Bar sizes are 200 μm (low magnification) and 20 μm (high magnification). Genotypes are: (a) y w ey-flp/y w; FRT82/FRT82 cl3R3 w+; (b) y w ey-flp/y w; FRT82 DInr304/FRT82 cl3R3 w+; (c) y w ey-flp/y w; FRT82 DInr304 EP-dFOXO25/FRT82 cl3R3 w+; (d) y w ey-flp/y w; FRT82 Dp1105W3/FRT82 cl3R3 w+; (e) y w ey-flp/y w; FRT82 Dp1105W3 EP-dFOXO25/FRT82 cl3R3 w+; (f) y w ey-flp/y w; FRT82 dPKB1/FRT82 cl3R3 w+; (g) y w ey-flp/y w; FRT82 dPKB1EP-dFOXO25/FRT82 cl3R3 w+; (h) y w ey-flp/y w; FRT82 dTSC1Q87X/FRT82 cl3R3 w+; (i) y w ey-flp/y w; FRT82 dTSC1Q87X EP-dFOXO25/FRT82 cl3R3 w+; (j) y w ey-flp/y w; FRT40 dPTEN117-4/FRT40 cl2L3 w+; (k) y w ey-flp/y w; FRT40 dPTEN117-4/FRT40 cl2L3 w+; FRT82 EP-dFOXO25/FRT82 cl3R3 w+; (l) y w;; EP-dFOXO21/EPdFOXO25 (left), y w;; dPKB1EP-dFOXO21/dPKB1EP-dFOXO25 (middle), dPKB1/dPKB1 (right).