Table 5.
Lifetime costs in pounds sterling, quality-adjusted life years, and incremental net benefits in pounds sterling after Genetic Matching
DrotAA, mean (SD) | Control, mean (SD) | Incremental, mean (95% CI) | |
Overall: two to five organ systems failing | |||
Lifetime costs | 36,048 (35,522) | 18,432 (26,708) | 17,616 (15,959 to 19,273) |
Lifetime QALYs | 5.70 (6.57) | 5.11 (6.61) | 0.58 (0.24 to 0.93) |
INBa | 77,896 (131,138) | 83,830 (129,324) | -5,934 (-12,735 to 868) |
Two organ systems failing | |||
Lifetime costs | 31,191 (21,959) | 16,488 (18,399) | 14,703 (12,763 to 16,644) |
Lifetime QALYs | 5.87 (6.54) | 6.83 (6.75) | -0.97 (-1.62 to -0.32) |
INBa | 86,117 (130,821) | 120,148 (134,047) | -34,031 (-47,028 to -21,034) |
Three to five organ systems failing | |||
Lifetime costs | 38,520 (43,205) | 18,572 (27,266) | 19,948 (17,610 to 22,286) |
Lifetime QALYs | 5.63 (6.59) | 4.35 (6.33) | 1.28 (0.86 to 1.70) |
INBa | 74,038 (132,559) | 68,348 (122,496) | 5,690 (-2,543 to 13,924) |
Overall (two to five organ systems failing): total number = 2,726, Drotrecogin alfa (activated) (DrotAA) = 1,076, control = 1,650; two organ systems failing: total number = 828, DrotAA = 198, control = 630; three to five organ systems failing: total number = 1,898, DrotAA = 878, control = 1,020. aIncremental net benefits (INBs) are calculated by following method guidance [36] and multiplying the mean quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gain (or loss) by £20,000 and subtracting from this the incremental cost. CI, confidence interval; SD, standard deviation.