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. 2011 Sep 26;15(5):R228. doi: 10.1186/cc10468

Table 5.

Lifetime costs in pounds sterling, quality-adjusted life years, and incremental net benefits in pounds sterling after Genetic Matching

DrotAA, mean (SD) Control, mean (SD) Incremental, mean (95% CI)
Overall: two to five organ systems failing
 Lifetime costs 36,048 (35,522) 18,432 (26,708) 17,616 (15,959 to 19,273)
 Lifetime QALYs 5.70 (6.57) 5.11 (6.61) 0.58 (0.24 to 0.93)
 INBa 77,896 (131,138) 83,830 (129,324) -5,934 (-12,735 to 868)
Two organ systems failing
 Lifetime costs 31,191 (21,959) 16,488 (18,399) 14,703 (12,763 to 16,644)
 Lifetime QALYs 5.87 (6.54) 6.83 (6.75) -0.97 (-1.62 to -0.32)
 INBa 86,117 (130,821) 120,148 (134,047) -34,031 (-47,028 to -21,034)
Three to five organ systems failing
 Lifetime costs 38,520 (43,205) 18,572 (27,266) 19,948 (17,610 to 22,286)
 Lifetime QALYs 5.63 (6.59) 4.35 (6.33) 1.28 (0.86 to 1.70)
 INBa 74,038 (132,559) 68,348 (122,496) 5,690 (-2,543 to 13,924)

Overall (two to five organ systems failing): total number = 2,726, Drotrecogin alfa (activated) (DrotAA) = 1,076, control = 1,650; two organ systems failing: total number = 828, DrotAA = 198, control = 630; three to five organ systems failing: total number = 1,898, DrotAA = 878, control = 1,020. aIncremental net benefits (INBs) are calculated by following method guidance [36] and multiplying the mean quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gain (or loss) by £20,000 and subtracting from this the incremental cost. CI, confidence interval; SD, standard deviation.