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. 2011 Sep 26;15(5):R228. doi: 10.1186/cc10468

Table 6.

Sensitivity analysis on incremental net benefits in pounds sterling

Overall: two to five organ systems failing Two organ systems failing Three to five organ systems failing
Base case -5,934 (-12,735 to 868) -34,031 (-47,028 to -21,034) 5,690 (-2,543 to 13,924)
Pscore matching -7,641 (-13,213, -2,069) -32,846 (-44,704, -20,987) 391 (-6,350, 7,133)
DrotAA given within 24 hoursa 8,078 (733 to 15,423) 11,131 (-2,173 to 24,435) 12,387 (3,491 to 21,283)
Cost of drug (alternative assumption) -4,687 (-11,544 to 2,171) -33,232 (-46,309 to -20,154) 7,339 (-976 to 15,653)
Excess mortality up to 25 years -6,240 (-12,897 to 418) -33,580 (-46,300 to -20,860) 5,046 (-3,012 to 13,104)
Excess reduction in HRQOL up to 25 years -7,240 (-13,328 to -1,152) -31,895 (-43,509 to -20,280) 2,863 (-4,512 to 10,237)
HRQOL of critical care survivors is 70% that of general population -6,029 (-12,679 to 621) -32,176 (-44,912 to -19,440) 4,839 (-3,202 to 12,880)
HRQOL of critical care survivors is 90% that of general population -5,347 (-12,254 to 1,560) -33,134 (-46,353 to -19,915) 6,239 (-2,117 to 14,596)

Values are presented as mean (95% confidence interval). Incremental net benefits are calculated by multiplying the mean quality-adjusted life year gain (or loss) by £20,000 and subtracting from this the incremental cost. aOverall (two to five organ systems failing): total number = 2,337, Drotrecogin alfa (activated) (DrotAA) = 687, control = 1,650; two organ systems failing: total number = 727, DrotAA = 97, control = 630; three to five organ systems failing: total number = 1,610, DrotAA = 590, control = 1,020. HRQOL, health-related quality of life; Pscore, propensity score.