Figure 6. The JmjN, JmjC, and zinc-finger domains are necessary for the promotion of flowering by JMJ18.
(A) Schemes display the structures of full-length JMJ18 protein as well as truncated versions used for overexpression test. (B) and (C) Flowering time phenotype for the JMJ18 overexpressor lines. All of the plants in (B) were grown for 24 days under LD conditions. All of the 108 independent 35S:NC lines examined flowered at a similar time compared to wild type. Fifteen out of 108 35S:NCZ, 20 out of 108 35S:T, and 27 out of 108 35S:JMJ18 lines displayed an early-flowering phenotype. Two independent lines per transformation were shown. Bar = 2 cm. The values in (C) are the mean ± standard deviation. At least 15 plants were scored for each genotype. Asterisks indicate the significant difference between wild-type and transgenic plants analyzed by Student's t test (P<0.05) using rosette leaf numbers. (D) Northern blot analysis of the expression of truncated JMJ18 in the transgenic lines.