Biplot of PCA scores of the first and second axis. The different colours show the successional stages (1: <20 yr, 2: <40 yr, 3: <60 yr, 4: <80 yr, 5: ≥80 yr). Abbreviations of environmental variables: Succ_Stage = Successional stage, Num_Species = Species richness, Num_Species_R = Rarefied species richness, Num_Ind = Number of individuals per plot, Prop_Deciduous = Proportion of deciduous individuals, Soil C = Soil carbon content, Soil N = Soil nitrogen content, Soil CN = Soil C/N ratio, Moisture = Mean soil moisture, Asp_E = Eastness = Sine (aspect), Asp_N = Northness = Cosine (aspect), Light = Mean relative intensity of PAR, Red_far_red_ratio = Mean red∶far-red ratio.