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. 2012 Apr 20;7(4):e35284. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0035284

Table 1. Explanatory variables analysed for associations with time to infection of premises in the largest cluster, northwest of Sydney, during the 2007 equine influenza outbreak in Australia.

Variable group Variable name Variables (Units)
Meteorological RAIN t−1,t−2,…,t−5 Rainfall (mm day−1)a
covariates RH_9AM t−1,t−2,…,t−5 Relative humidity (%) measured daily at 9ama
(time-lagged) RH_3PM t−1,t−2,…,t−5 Relative humidity (%) measured daily at 3pma
TEMP_MAX t−1,t−2,…,t−5 Maximum daily air temperature (°C)a
TEMP_MIN t−1,t−2,…,t−5 Minimum daily air temperature (°C)a
WIND_SPDundir t−1,t−2,…,t−5 Maximum daily wind speed – undirected (km hour−1)a , b
WIND_SPDdir(k) t−1,t−2,…,t−5 Maximum daily wind speed – directed (km hour−1)a , b
Premises AREA Area (acres)
attributes HORSE_DENSITY Horse density (horses acre−1)
HORSES_NUMBER Number of horses
SHARED_FENCE Length of shared fence with other horse premises (m)
VACC Vaccination status (1 = Yes, 0 = No)a
VACC_DAYS Days since vaccinationa
Spatial ELEV Elevation (m)
covariates HUMAN_DENS Human population density within approximately 1 km of the premises (people km−2)
ROAD_DIST Distance to nearest main road (km)c

Time-changing covariate.


Maximum daily wind speed was either based on wind from all directions (‘undirected’) or wind only from within 45° arcs centred on the direction of the k nearest infected premises for k = 1,2,3 (see Figure 2 for details) assuming that premises were infectious for 14 days and one of the nearest k infective premises was the source of infection.


Main roads include freeways, highways, primary and arterial roads (Classes 1–3).