Table 1.
Items Comprising the Childhood Psychopathy Scale Short Form.
CPS construct | Item |
Glibness | Exaggerates |
Untruthfulness | Lying or cheating |
You cannot trust what he says | |
Manipulation | Manipulates people |
Lack of Guilt | Doesn’t seem to feel guilty after misbehaving |
Poverty of Affect | Sudden changes in moods or feelings |
Callousness | Cruelty, bullying, meanness to others |
Teases a lot | |
Parasitic Lifestyle | Takes credit for what another has accomplished |
Behavioral Dyscontrol | Behaves explosively and unpredictably |
Demands must be met immediately (easily frustrated) | |
Lack of Planning | He never or rarely saves money |
Impulsiveness | Impulsive or acts without thinking |
Wants to have things right away | |
Unreliability | Behaves irresponsibly |
Borrows money and does not pay it back | |
Failure to Accept Responsibility | When confronted about his behavior, he is a “fast” or “smooth” talker |
Blames others excessively |